--- title: "Overview of aws.alexa" author: "Gaurav Sood" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Overview of aws.alexa} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ### Client for the Alexa Web Information Services API Find information about domains, including the kind of content that they carry, how popular are they, sites linking to them, among other things. The package provides access to the [Alexa Web Information Service API](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AlexaWebInfoService/latest/). ### Installation To get the current development version from github: ```{r, eval=FALSE, install} # install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("cloudyr/aws.alexa", build_vignettes = TRUE) ``` ### Usage To get going, get the application id and password from [https://aws.amazon.com/](https://aws.amazon.com/). Then set the application id and password via the `set_secret_key` function. ```{r, eval=FALSE, setapp} set_secret_key(key="key", secret="secret") ``` #### URL Information ```{r, eval=FALSE, url_info} res <- url_info("http://www.google.com") res <- do.call(cbind, lapply(res[[2]][[1]][[2]], as.data.frame)) dimnames(res) <- list(1:nrow(res), c("url", "attribute", "title", "description", "online_since")) return(res) ``` ``` ## url attribute title ## 1 google.com/ canonical Google description ## 1 Enables users to search the world's information, including webpages, images, and videos. Offers unique features and search technology. ## online_since ## 1 15-Sep-1997 ``` #### Traffic History ```{r, eval=FALSE, traffic_hist} traffic <- traffic_history("http://www.google.com") head(traffic) ``` ``` ## Date PageViews.PerMillion PageViews.PerUser Rank Reach.PerMillion ## 1 2016-04-22 105330 16.18 1 436000 ## 2 2016-04-23 78490 12.30 2 414000 ## 3 2016-04-24 75310 11.94 2 413600 ## 4 2016-04-25 112420 17.90 1 436800 ## 5 2016-04-26 114280 17.79 1 447300 ## 6 2016-04-27 111610 17.41 1 440200 ``` #### Browse Categories ```{r, eval=FALSE, browse_cats} browse_categories(path="Top/Arts") ``` #### Category Listings ```{r, eval=FALSE, cat_list} cat_list <- category_listing(path="Top/Arts") head(cat_list) ``` ``` ## DataUrl.text DataUrl..attrs Title PopularityRank AverageReview ## 1 http://www.youtube.com/ navigable YouTube 2 4.12195 ## 2 http://www.facebook.com/#!/JeffDunham?ref=ts navigable Facebook 4 4 ## 3 http://twitter.com/#!/nbctheevent navigable Twitter: The Event 13 4 ## 4 http://www.imdb.com/ navigable The Internet Movie Database 65 4.5 ## 5 http://www.cnn.com/ navigable CNN 98 2.5 ## 6 http://www.bbc.co.uk/ navigable BBC Online 107 4 ## Description ## 1 User-submitted videos with rating, comments, and contests. ## 2 A social utility that connects people, to keep up with friends, upload photos, share links and videos. ## 3 Official Twitter account for the series, at @nbcthevent. ## 4 Features plot summaries, reviews, cast lists, and theatre schedules. ## 5 Cable News Network ## 6 The BBC Homepage - Your gateway to BBC Online ``` #### In Links ```{r, eval=FALSE, in_links} res_links <- in_links(url="google.com") head(res_links) ``` ``` ## Title Url ## 1 youtube.com m.youtube.com:80/?client=mv-google&p=1&nomobile=1&desktop_uri=/?gl=KE&p=1&client=mv-google&hl=fil&nomobile=1&hl=fil&app=m&gl=KE ## 2 amazon.com alexa.amazon.com:80 ## 3 yahoo.com ar.news.qa1p.global.media.yahoo.com:80/blogs/ciencia-bruja/mario-bunge-y-el-detector-fama-cient-fica-171403253.html ## 4 ebay.com community.ebay.com:80/t5/Archive-International-Trading/Can-not-pay-One-or-more-of-the-items-below-cannot-be-purchased/qaq-p/4981427 ## 5 yahoo.co.jp blog.olp.yahoo.co.jp:80/archives/20130128_mapupdate.html ## 6 baidu.com anquan.baidu.com:80/bbs/thread-86224-1-1.html ```